Welcome to my drawing and painting channel for kids – today we will create a rainbow painting. You can use this rainbow painting video as an easy art lesson for elementary school kids (1rst, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th Graders), and as creative entertainment for toddlers, preschoolers, and kindergarten children.
Visit my blog for more art ideas: www.drawingfunforkids.com
Find me on Pinterest: Drawing Fun For Kids
Follow me on Instagram: @drawingfunforkids
Check out the other videos on my channel there are lots of fun animal paintings to choose from, such as a dog, cat, whale, pig, elephant, and more.
Please SUBSCRIBE and give this video a LIKE it really helps my paintings and art lessons reach more children.
Thanks for watching my rainbow painting video!
Find me on Pinterest: Drawing Fun For Kids
Follow me on Instagram: @drawingfunforkids
Check out my blog: www.drawingfunforkids.com
#artlessonsfor4thgrade #artlessonsfor5thgrade #artlessonsfor6thgrade