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r/Place: My Little Pony's Battle - The Brony Faction 2017


r/Place was a massive Reddit social experiment that occured during April Fools day of 2017. The event only lasted a couple days, but during that time a lot went down.

NEW! 2022 Deep Dive video:
   • r/Place Brony DEEP DIVE: My Little Po...  

This video documents the Brony Faction's battle to create and preserve pony on the canvas. This video was made for My Little Pony fans, so if you came here looking for general r/Place info you might be better off with another explanation. You're welcome to hang out with us anyway though :)

r/Place atlas:

Official r/Place subreddit:   / place  

Learn more about bronies:

Public Domain music created by Alexander Nakarada, Rafael Krux, and Kevin MacLeod.

Thanks to Hithroc and everyone in the Manechat server for their help and support!

posted by jennyhang9