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Qu0026A : What’s your next language? What language do you think in? Do you have a favorite language ?…


My dear friend, here is the Q&A video to celebrate we passed 100k suscribers!
Thank you for your questions on the community and instagram. If you are interested in the following questions, you won't want to miss this video:

00:00 Intro
01:51 What language do you think in?
03:13 Is it possible to forget words in your native language?
04:15 Do you have a favorite language?
04:42 Do you think you have different personalities in different languages?
06:43 Are you planning to learn more language after the seven? Which language came to your mind first? And why?
08:35 What is the most difficult language you have studied, and what made it so challenging?
09:54 Which language is more interesting and easy to learn?
10:42 Were there ever people who criticised you for wanting to learn other lanugages?
13:31 In which country would you like to live permanently and why?

Thank you Miguel L, Abigail, 高甜甜, David_char3, Shariq Hiba Hiba, Just_noah0804, Esta for your great questions.

There are still a lot of questions, these are all good ideas for new videos, I will tell you more about them in the next videos. Thank you for your support and love!

posted by zimfikie9y