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Prayer To Break Curses Over My Life with Derek Prince

Derek Prince With Subtitles

If you feel there's some shadow of a curse over your life, or the life of your family. Pray this prayer with Bible teacher Derek Prince to break curses over your life.

Bible teacher Derek Prince leads us in a prayer which consists of the following steps:

1. Establish a biblical basis of your release,
2. Confess your faith in Christ,
3. Commit yourself to obedience (do what God says),
4. Confess any known sins (either by yourself or your ancestors),
5. Forgive all other persons,
6. Renounce all contact with the occult (by yourself or your ancestors),
7. Commit yourself to get rid of all contact objects,
8. Release yourself from the curse,
9. Expect and release the blessing of Abraham.

This is a clip from the full sermon 'Release From The Curse 2'. Full video:    • Release From The Curse  Part 2 | Ful...  

#derekprince #derekprinceministries

4286, recorded in Auckland, New Zealand, April 1989

posted by wenwynderuw