October 18, 1967
This was a county report.
The citizens of Poway have come up with a new way to help the high school there over some of its financial hurdles. The school has been using socalled paraprofessionals to help teachers with clerical and supervisory duties, freeing them to concentrate on teaching. But funds for these adult helpers were cut back this year. However, parents in the district came forward, and offered the school their help for free. The school gladly accepted the offer and put them to work, checking out library books, supervising study halls and helping man the attendance office. The idea of getting parents to volunteer their time came from Mrs. Jeri Thompson, who is in charge of the program. She says about 45 mothers are scheduled to work at the high school on various shifts. Each works about onehalf day per week. Someone dubbed Mrs. Thompson captain of the guard…a title she says is strictly unofficial. According to Poway High principal Dan Thompson—no relation to Mrs. Thompson—the volunteers have been invaluable, and the program is a success. According to Thompson, the school will continue using parent volunteers next year…perhaps more of them on an expanded basis. The parents don’t seem to mind the work…and as one pointed out…it’s a good way to check on the kids at school.