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Pixar's TERRIBLE Good Dinosaur...


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Pixar may be one of the greatest in the industry.. but everyone flops somewhere. And The Good Dinosaur is unanimously seen as the worst Pixar movie of the bunch. It's boring, unimaginative, cliched, and very very unmemorable. In fact, I DON'T remember it from when I watched it years ago. So what went wrong? Why is it so bad? And why did they make the choices they made? Come join me as we find our in our last video of 2021 Pixar's TERRIBLE The Good Dinosaur...

#DazzReviews #TheGoodDinosaur #TERRIBLESeries #Review #VideoEssay #Pixar #Disney #PixarGoodDinosaur #GoodDinosaur #PixarGoodDinosaur

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Edited by Ben Coleman:   / thebencoleman  

…What a surprise. It's like, the emotional moments ARE there but... everything else is so cliche ridden and overly realistic that this doesn't feel like a full project. It is literally like some tech demo by Pixar, through and through.

posted by Saesnege3