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Pastor Living Among Mormons: What is it REALLY like?

Hello Saints

Pastor Jeff & Joy have lived in Utah for ONE YEAR as evangelicals in the land of Latterday Saints. Have they been welcomed or has it been hard? What do they love about Utah?

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Hello Saints! My name is Jeff McCullough and I'm a Christian Pastor.
This channel is devoted to fighting criticism with curiosity as I invite dialogue between mainstream Christians and Latterday Saints. Are Mormons Christians? What do Evangelicals and Latterday Saints agree and disagree about? Join me as I compare and contrast the lifestyle, culture and beliefs of Mormons and nonLDS Christians.

If you enjoyed this video, you might enjoy this video of Pastor Jeff and Joy attending the Latterday Saint General Conference together for the first time:    • Pastor & Wife REACTION at Latterday ...  

00:00:00 Intro
00:01:09 Utah Mountain Views
00:02:39 Utah Soda Obsession
00:04:04 Utah Cookie Obsession
00:05:45 LDS Churches and Temples
00:08:14 Hiking & Skiing
00:10:29 Utah Halloween Obsession
00:14:45 Evangelicals Living Among LDS

#LatterDaySaints #Utah #Mormon

posted by eqomeni08