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Can We Answer Google's TOP QUESTIONS About Mormonism?

Hello Saints

Pastor Jeff & Latterday Saint, Kurt Francom, do a Google autocomplete interview to answer the web's most searched questions about Evangelicals and Mormons.

Special thanks to Kurt Francom from Leading Saints: @leadingsaints

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Hello Saints! My name is Jeff McCullough and I'm a Christian Pastor.
This channel is devoted to fighting criticism with curiosity as I invite dialogue between mainstream Christians and Latterday Saints. Are Mormons Christians? What do Evangelicals and Latterday Saints agree and disagree about? Join me as I compare and contrast the lifestyle, culture and beliefs of Mormons and nonLDS Christians.

If you enjoyed this video, you might enjoy this video of Pastor Jeff explaining how Latterday Saints and Evangelicals talk past one another:    • Pastor: How Should Evangelicals and M...  

00:00:00 Conversation Rules
00:01:52 Why LDS do genealogy?
00:03:42 Why Evangelicals support Israel?
00:06:11 Why LDS ride bikes?
00:07:14 Why Evangelicals study Old Testament?
00:08:58 Why LDS wear garments?
00:12:25 Why Protestants reject additional scriptures?
00:15:08 Why LDS live in Utah?
00:16:29 Why Protestants have no saints?
00:18:09 What Evangelicals believe about rapture?
00:23:00 What LDS believe about Satan?
00:26:36 What Evangelicals believe about dinosaurs?
00:29:54 Under the Banner of Heaven
00:32:21 What Evangelicals think about Catholics?
00:34:58 How LDS Baptize?
00:36:50 Why some Evangelicals speak in tongues?
00:41:00 Other questions?

#LatterDaySaints #LDS #autocomplete

posted by eqomeni08