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Palmistry “Palm Reading” signs of wealth money lines | wealth lines signs of money wealth signs |


Palmistry “Palm Reading” signs of wealth, money lines, wealth lines, signs of money, wealth signs, line of success, success line, business line, line of business.

1. Multitude of branches up on the line life (lines of effort). Ascending lines.
2. Vertical lines on the Mount of Jupiter.
3. Branch from fate line to the hill of Mercury. Business line in palmistry .
4. Curved branch from the line of fate to the hill of Mercury. Business line in hand
5. Branch from the fate line to the hill of Apollo and Jupiter. Palm reading success line.
6. Branch from the fate line to the mount of Apollo.
7. Large line coming from the head line to the Mount of Mercury.
8. Bridge with the line is directed to the Mount of Apollo. Line of success in palmistry.
9. Head line begins on the Hill of Jupiter. Money line in hand.
10. Triangle of money, triangle of wealth, triangle of riches.
11. Two or more lines of Apollo (apollo lines). Sun lines (lines of sun). Fame line palmistry.
12. Three or more branches from the head line are directed to the mount of Jupiter.
13. Three or more vertical lines on the Mount of Jupiter. Money signs.
14. Lines of fame, glory, popularity. Fame lines, glory lines, power lines, business lines, success lines. Signs of fame, signs of glory, signs of popularity, signs of power, signs of business, signs of success. Palm reading wealth.
15. The ring of Solomon (Jupiter). Solomon ring (Jupiter ring).
16. Curved little finger (twisted little finger). Little finger is curved.
17. Squares (Quadrangles on the palm of your hand).
18. Mounts on the palms, hill on hands. Money palmistry.

#PalmistrySignsOfWealth #PalmistryMoneyLines #Palmistry

posted by linikezwanf