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Our Australia Trip Review their 19ft Off Road ZONE RV Peregrine


In this episode, Brad and Hayley from ‪@our.australia.trip.‬ share their insights on their new ZONE RV Peregrine after living in it for over a month.

In their journey of transitioning from a smaller caravan with fewer offgrid features, Brad and Hayley delve into the reasons why they chose a ZONE RV offroad caravan for their travels around Australia. Adrian Toft, the CEO of ZONE RV, also joins them to discuss their favourite features so far and how their new Peregrine will change the way they travel.

This indepth exploration captures Brad and Hayley's personal experience and showcases the detailed specifications of the 19ft Peregrine offroad caravan. If you're eager to learn more about this model, our latest video promises to provide insightful information.

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ZONE RV, in a ZONE of its own!

posted by Parschlugj6