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osu! KPS Key Overlay for OBS (+ transparent background)


download: https://osu.ppy.sh/community/forums/t...

longawaited return of key overlay tutorial ........ I switched to this key overlay a while ago and never made a video so here you go ! this one is super customizable which is awesome. hope u enjoy

font I used: https://www.dafont.com/madetommysof...

TEXT VERSION of my setup:

{Statistics text}
Font filepath: ___
font linked in description

{Buttons text}
Show key KPS: on

{Button graphics}
Texture color: 67 67 67 255

{Main window}
Background color: 0 0 0 255
Title bar: on
Bonus size top: 500

{Key press visualization}
Enabled: on
Speed: 45
Color: 154 122 245 255

To add to OBS:
New game capture
Filters Color Key
Key Color Type: Custom Color
Key Color: 000000
Similarity: 424
Smoothness: 91
(these last 2 options make the fadeout smoother, didn't mention that in the video)

my desktop background https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/870...

0:00 intro
0:29 setup
3:55 obs transparent mode

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#osu #digitalhypno #tutorial

thanks for watching!

posted by viewless38