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Original Hassho] Handmade with care! Hiroshima Okonomiyaki 'Yurichan

Japanese locals favorite food 

Hassho was founded around 1955 by Mr. Takanori Furuta, and was one of the restaurants that played a central role in establishing the okonomiyaki culture in Hiroshima.

Founded by the founder, Mr. Takanori Furuta, and run by his family, Hassho is known as the original Hassho. The store Hassho, opened by his apprentice, Hiroki Ogawa, has a blue goodwill and is also named "Ao Hassho" (Blue Hassho)!

Now it has been replaced by the third generation, Yuka Yoshida (third daughter).
Yuriko Nakata, the second daughter, trained at the original Hassho (her parents' house) and opened her own restaurant "Yurichan" 18 years ago

Okonomiyaki restaurant in Tomo Chuo, Asaminamiku, Hiroshima City.
2339 Tomo Chuo, Asaminamiku
  / okonomiyaki_yurichan  
8 minute walk from Tomo Chuo Station on the Astram Line

0:00 Hiroshima City/Tomo Chuo
1:02 Yurichan
4:42 History of the original Hassho
8:13 Opening of the restaurant
17:54 Characteristics of Okonomiyaki
24:33 Yaki Soba
29:22 One Hundred Famous Okonomiyaki Restaurants

#Genso Hassho #Aka Hassho #Hiroshima Okonomiyaki

posted by stalowniayd