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Old Spider Monkey's Horribly Infected Mouth 🐵| Bondi Vet Season 5 Ep 16 | Bondi Vet Full Episodes

Bondi Vet

Another unique patient for Dr Chris Brown, a 30 yearold Spider Monkey with a huge, bleeding lump inside his mouth; A baby Peregrine Falcon is presented to Tim Faulkner after it found found on the ground with head injuries; Dr Andrew Marchevsky is worried that a Labrador pup might have a painful case of elbow dysplasia; and Dr Lisa Chimes helps a young family who are deciding if they should adopt two Great Danes as their first ever dogs!

Check out the rest of Bondi Vet Season 5 in our playlist here    • Rescue Dolphin May Have Cancer   | B...  

For more full episodes of Bondi Vet click here to see our full episodes playlist    • Neighbours Poison Noisy Rottweiler  ...  

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posted by nabrojimoe9