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Newborn Kittens Can Hiss - Just a Day After Birth


Newborn Kittens Can Hiss Just a Day After Birth

These are Mommy and her newborn kittens on their first day after birth.
Mommy is a stray cat who was sometimes coming for food in our home, but one day she came to give birth in our home :)
We accepted her and her kittens, and we will make sure to find homes for the kittens and get Mommy neutered.

We have set up a PayPal donation account:

We are Stoyan and Dessy from Bulgaria. We are not organization, neither a shelter, we are just an ordinary couple with a big dream. Everything we provide for the stray animals is coming from our own pockets or with the help of donations from our subscribers. We have 4 cats at home, all rescued from the streets Sopolcho & Bagheera live with us while Alexa & Rijo live with Dessy's mom, who has been feeding and caring of stray animals for the last 10 years. Bulgaria is a small and poor country with lots of stray cats and not enough kind people to take them in. Our dream is to build a shelter where we could take care of many stray cats with the help of Dessy's mom. If you would like to support us, please subscribe to our channel and share our videos with your friends and family. It would mean a lot to us ❤
Dessy & Stoyan

Stray Cat Wants To Give Birth In Our Home
Newborn Kittens Can Hiss
Newborn Kittens
Kitten Hissing
Cat Gives Birth

posted by seilingu0c