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New largest prime number found! See all 41024320 digits.

Stand-up Maths

2^136,279,841 1 has 41,024,320 digits and is prime! Read all about the new largest prime number ever found:'>

Huge thanks to Luke Durant, George Woltman and everyone at the Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search.

Get involve in the search for large primes!

This is the breakdown of the maths methods used by the Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search:

Here are the details of the test completed on M52 (the 52nd Mersenne prime).

The old computer photo was of Alice Betsy and Donald Gillies in front of the ILLIAC I computer which found three recordbreaking primes in 1963.

In 2016 I printed the thenbiggest prime:    • New World's Biggest Prime Number (PRI...  
And I talked about the LucasLehmer test to prove it is prime:    • New World's Biggest Prime Number (PRI...  

This is my Pi By Hand video which Daniel B also features in.    • The biggest hand calculation in a cen...  

Yes, pieces of Skylab (spacecraft, not dog) are in Esperance, Western Australia.

Keep an eye on A Problem Squared to see why I was recording somewhere between Perth and Esperance.

Huge thanks to my Patreon supporters. I bought Lucie and Steve pizza at Lucky Bay Brewing. Support me and I'll buy more beer for my family. Think of my family!   / standupmaths  

None yet, let me know if you spot anything!

Filming by Lucie Green
Timing and moral support by Steve Parker
Editing by Alex GennBash
Written and performed by Matt Parker
Produced by Nicole Jacobus
Music by Howard Carter
Design by Simon Wright and Adam Robinson

MATT PARKER: Standup Mathematician

What's that? You want the first 1,000 and the last 1,000 digits? Ok then.


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