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Two adjacent derelict attics, with no bathrooms, kitchens, or plumbing have been completely transformed by talented architectural duo FRÈRES VOIRIN into a functional and modern micro apartment. Removing the false ceiling created space for a compact bedroom and shower to be added, accessed by a central geometric staircase, painted white like the ceilings and walls. The staircase incorporates a hidden washing machine, toilet and integrated storage. The ikeahacked kitchen, tucked neatly under the upper floor, can be closed off with a movable, groovy shaped threepanel partition. The living room features a large doubleheight bookshelf and built in Lshaped sofa with a reading corner in front of the window overlooking the rooftops of Paris.
#smallapartment #architecture #interiordesign
Ep. 182
Project Name: CAPSULE
Architect: https://www.freresvoirin.com/
Produced by New Mac Video Agency
Creator: Colin Chee
Director: Nam Tran
Cinematographer: Matthieu Toress
Producer: Lindsay Barnard
Editor: Jessica Ruasol
Music: Taj Mahal No Drums by Crazy Paris, Penance & Better Off by warmkeys. from Artlist.io