Peter Pan syndrome, also referred to as “Peter Pan complex,” is a condition in which adults continue to hold onto childhood tendencies.
Rather than succumb to the socialized aspects of adulthood, these individuals essentially remain in childhood—struggling to accept accountability and venture out on their own.
0:00 Welcome
0:09 Topic
0:28 Pathological Narcissist Defined
1:14 Narcissist Traits
2:36 Narcissistic Injury
3:40 The Ego Self Abandonment
6:25 Negative Emotions & Thinking
7:29 Pathological Shame/Low SelfEsteem
9:28 Individuation
1:20 Malidoma Some Quote
13:06 Accountability
13:40 Peter Pan Syndrome
14:45 Can Narcissists Heal
16:59 Adjust Your Expectations
17:45 Wrap Up
#narcdojo #Narcissism #SheecaGenius #AskSheeca
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