Programmer Ian Witham created a short Commodore 64 BASIC program that procedurally generates a very interesting 3D landscape. We examine how it works, and then focus our efforts on optimizing the program so it can fit in a single 80column line of code.
Subscribe to Ian's channel: / @ianwitham
Ian's original program: • Interesting 10PRINT variation (BASIC)
About Commodore 64 BASIC Abbreviations: • About Commodore 64 BASIC Abbreviations
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0:00 Running Ian's Original Program
2:58 Code Walkthrough Lines 520
7:55 Lines 30
12:45 Subscribe to Ian's channel
13:29 Abbreviating our way to oneline? No.
17:30 My original oneline attempt walkthrough
24:25 RUNning the first oneattempt, more commentary
28:22 shrydar's random optimization!
32:49 Ian's POKE 199 optimization
36:45 An imperfect 62character attempt
39:37 Ian's POS() optimization
42:57 A few more speed optimizations
45:25 Thanks!