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Most-viewed Family Feud rounds of October!! (2024)

Family Feud

Here are the top 10 mostviewed Family Feud rounds of October 2024!! Which one is your favorite?? Let us know in the comments.

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00:00 Introduction
00:03 We asked 100 married men. Name an animal your wife looks like when she gives you her mean face.
05:23 We asked 100 married women. Name a superhero’s costume your husband would have a hard time squeezing into.
08:58 Name a rich comedian who laughs all the way to the bank.
11:52 Give me a U.S. state with the letter ‘Y’ in it.
15:17 Name a type of music that makes you want to get up and dance.
19:38 Name someone you’d be surprised just lit up a joint.
21:52 Who do you text when you’re feeling lonely at night??
25:19 Name a famous “Captain.”
28:06 After finally saying “I love you” to your partner, you hope they don’t say what??
31:00 Name a food starting with ‘C’ that you can handfeed your lover.

posted by helweckik9