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Momma cat she lived u0026 died for her kittens


Momma wiwll forever be with us and she could never be forgotten... For she is the great one who continually gave birth to multiple litters of kittens that she always introduced to us.
I haven't a clue as to her real age. I know not of how many babies she had before I met her. I will admit that I do have cats/kittens from her last FOUR litters.

Alexis Colby, Lovely, Penelope, Chinny

Penelope's daughter Junie


and lastly our two month old, baby girl Ponyo Augustine

Momma is leaving behind her boyfriend, Thomas, who adored her so much.
Momma was feral. We didn't know if she ever lived with a family or was naturally born in the wild. Her life will forever be a mystery to us.

We loved her. She was our family. I miss dearly.

#cat #loss

posted by juanoclockp9