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Minimally invasive surgery options for lumbar spinal stenosis in 2025. MIS4LSS.

Anodyne Research

This video we describe the available, minimally, invasive surgical options for lumbar spinal stenosis and neurogenic clarification. People who have pain in their buttocks, thighs, or legs associated with walking or standing and relieved by sitting, are most likely to be suffering from a condition known as lumbar spinal stenosis. This is where with degenerative disc disease and arthritis of the joints, the existing canal in our spine shrinks in size and starts to choke the nerve root generating a feeling of heaviness, weakness or achiness in the legs and hips or buttocks or lower back with walking generally relieved with sitting. In the past open lumbar spinal surgery, such as laminectomy and fusion were the primary treatment options, however, as minimally, invasive techniques have matured more and more outpatient, minimally, invasive surgical techniques exist, testing the primacy of open, complex lumbar spine surgery.

Prospective randomized control trials comparing the techniques are ongoing, but nevertheless surgical options with out hospital stays without high complication rates and with rapid return to function or desired by nearly everyone suffering from this debilitating condition.

posted by catlasyi