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MIDAS HAS A SECRET ADMIRER... (A Fortnite Short Film)

NewScapePro - Fortnite Shorts, Films and Skits

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Some of this episode was inspired by M2 Animation’s “Rise of Midas” Cinematic. Check them out here:    / @m2_animation  

Ascendant Midas breaks free from the depths of the Underworld and enacts his plan for vengeance against Hades, Zeus, and the other Gods of Olympus. Meanwhile, Aphrodite expresses sympathy for the mortals, especially Midas, who she has grown infatuated with. The new teamup of Myths and Mortals infuriates Zeus, who calls upon the aid of his son Ares, the God of War, to deal with the matter…

Featuring the voice talents of:
  / ryanstewartvo  
  / arielhck  
  / katiespradlinvo  
  / notmephisto  
  / thepinkdd  
  / mousie116  
  / cougarmacdowal1  

Written / Directed by:
Ryan Stewart

Cinematography by:
Jaicob Feliz
Zachry Rayner
Ryan Stewart

Edited by:
Aidan Caughran
Justin Putze
Ryan Stewart

Thank you to all of our body actors from the NewScapePro Body Acting Discord!
Join here:   / discord  

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posted by pwlsadurmw