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Malti’s spa day booty scratch takeover

Shannon Cutts

Spa service special order now and we’ll throw in a FREE booty scratch!
She loves ‘em. So we do them daily, if not even more often. Because...we value client satisfaction at this here spa.
I get a lot of questions about whether tortoise and turtle shells “itch.” My answer? I wish I knew.
But what I do know is that shells, like our own fingernails, have lots of sensation. And I also know that tortoise shells (and their occupants) continue to slowly grow and transform throughout nearly their entire long lives. So perhaps the urge to scratch and rub up against things is more like easing some type of chronic growing pains? All I can say is, I’m so grateful she trusts me enough to let me know when and where she “itches” and lets me help her to feel better. ❤
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