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Make Pikachu Hospital Pokémon in Real Life and Lego Ambulance DIY Doctor Set from Clay Cardboard

Miniature House

Make Pikachu Hospital Pokémon in Real Life and Lego Ambulance, DIY Doctor Set from Clay, Cardboard

Hello World, I'm DIY Lover and Miniature Lover, my name is Lisa
! I'm an ARTIST who makes MINIATURE HOUSE !
My friends are huge fans of Pokemon, Pikachu is their idol. So today I will make a Pikachu Hospital Pokémon in Real Life and DIY Doctor Set from Clay, Cardboard. Inside the hospital, there will be full medical equipment, a hospital bed, and Lego Pikachu Ambulance. I will transform into Dr. Lisa, treated Eevee. Hope you will have interesting experiences when watching the video ^^! In addition, I also sent 2 other gifts to everyone, a house for another Pokemon. Please watch until the end of the video! Do you like this Pikachu ambulance hospital? Please let me know in the comment! Thank you ❤
Timestamps below to get to part that interest you :
0:00 | How To Make Pikachu Ambulance Hospital Pokémon in Real Life and DIY Doctor Set from Clay, Cardboard
11:10 | DIY Make 5 Color House Pokémon GO with Pikachu Kitchen, Jigglypuff Bedroom, Gengar Room In Real Life
22:52 | 20 Days Build Pikachu House with Bedroom in Giant Pokeball from Clay ❤ DIY Miniature Pokemon House
Title :
( English ) Make Pikachu Hospital Pokémon in Real Life and Lego Ambulance, DIY Doctor Set from Clay, Cardboard
( Español ) Haz un Pikachu de hospital en la vida real con un Pokémon y una ambulancia Lego, un set de doctor DIY con arcilla y cartón
( Português ) Faça Pokémon do Hospital Pikachu na vida real e ambulância Lego, conjunto médico DIY de barro e cartão
( 日本人 ) 実物のピカチュウ病院ポケモンとレゴ救急車、粘土と段ボールで作るDIYドクターセット
( 한국어 ) 피카츄 병원 포켓몬을 현실로 만들고, 레고 구급차, 점토와 판지로 만든 DIY 의사 세트
( हिन्दी ) वास्तविक जीवन में पिकाचु अस्पताल पोकेमॉन और लेगो एम्बुलेंस बनाएं, मिट्टी, कार्डबोर्ड से DIY डॉक्टर सेट बनाएं
( Indonesian ) Membuat Rumah Sakit Pokemon Pikachu di Dunia Nyata dan Ambulans Lego, Set Dokter DIY dari Tanah Liat, Karton

Enjoy my video and Please comment below if you like it. I hope you will like my miniature house video and have relaxing time !!! Thank you for watching! Love you
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posted by lupaange