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Lots of Grizzly Bears on the Oil Well and Little Wapiti Loop Trail - Yellowstone Ecosystem

Stan Mills

This is a hike in a very high density grizzly bear area. I show the hike on a map because all grizzly bear protections are safe again after the recent 9th Circuit Court ruled that grizzly bears cannot be trophy hunted. So this video shows a typical hike in this area. I love hiking and camping around here because of all the wonderful wildlife. The Taylor Fork is a very popular camping area but 99.999 percent of those people stay down in their designated camping area. The only people you will ever see in the backcountry are on a motorcycle or four wheeler. Most of the animals are well into the trees by the time those people are out. You may also see people on horseback. Horse riders don't seem to disturb the wildlife any more than a hiker does (I think even less). Although I never ride horses, I notice they always seem to get a late start and miss most of the wildlife. Maybe some horseback riders can comment and let us know what it is like riding a horse in bear country.

Here are some Amazon links to the equipment I use. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Camera 1
Camera 2
Satellite Communicator
Hiking Shoes

posted by celffeini26