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Longspined Sea Urchin take-all harvest Fortescue Bay

IMAS - Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies

Divers have completed the first round of targeted Longspined Sea Urchin removals in Fortescue Bay to help restore and protect kelp habitat that abalone and other reefdependent species rely on.

This new ‘takeall’ Restoration by Harvest program involves Tasmanian Commercial Divers Association divers harvesting urchins of all sizes along the 5kms of coast between the Fortescue Bay boat ramp and Cape Hauy. The first systematic harvest saw over 22 tonnes of urchins (approximately 73,000 individuals) removed from the area. Larger urchins were processed for their roe and sold to domestic and international markets.

Our researchers will be monitoring the effectiveness of this ‘takeall’ harvest over the next 18 months, with repeated removals set to occur where necessary to ensure kelp recovery. Dive into the latest update via the video below.

The project is funded by NRE Tasmania's Abalone Industry Redevelopment Fund. Find out more:

posted by innlestzp