Interested in signing up? Check out these links for more info
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*Recently this program was dropped by Volunteer Southern Africa because it was found out that the lion park was connected to canned hunting. Whenever looking for opportunities to volunteer with animals, it is important to do your research and make sure the place you are visiting is legitimate. For more information on how you find legitimate projects and animal experiences, find out here:
Volunteering with lions in Johannesburg South Africa. Living With Lions program.
May 13th26th, 2013.
I spent two weeks volunteering in Johannesburg South Africa. I was a part of the "Living With Lions" project at the Lion Park.
Volunteer South Africa offers several volunteer projects including:
Volunteer Living With Lions
Volunteer Living With Big Cats
Volenteer Heart For Orphans
Volunteer Hope Journey Children's Recovery Hospital
Volunteer Living With Elephants
Volunteer Words Changing Worlds
Volunteer Living With Penguins Rescue Center
Volunteer Healing Through Horses
Volunteer Okovango Delta, Botswana
Volunteer Living With Great White Sharks
Volunteer Streetwise Football
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"Living With Lions" "volunteering with lions in Africa" "Lion ParK Johannesburg" "Cute lion cubs" "Lion cubs playing"