Overview of why we chose Liquid Springs for a suspension upgrade to our Newmar Canyon Star 3710, the install process at Liquid Springs' Lafayette, Indiana facility, and a quick review of our initial impresions.
We bought and paid for our Liquid Spring equipment and installation with no incentives from Liquid Spring. We are not affiliated with Liquid Springs in any way and are not compensated by them for any sales that may result from the discount offered by Wayne Wells/Liquid Spring if you reference this video.
To contact Wayne and receive a $1000 discount, call Wayne @ +1 (503) 7098901 and reference "Enjoy Today" Facebook or YouTube posts.
RV Diem Video w/ Wayne Wells: • Video
Liquid Spring's website: www.liquidspring.com
This is the first of what will hopefully be many videos that Kathy and I post as we strive to Enjoy Today, every day, to Infinity, thus our channel name...Enjoy Today Infinity.
We are not expert RV'ers; we are just beginning this journey. But we invite you along on this adventure and would be honored if you choose to subscribe to this channel and follow us on our Facebook page (Njoy2Day). I'm sure we'll have plenty to laugh at, learn from, celebrate, and perhaps even cry together over throughout this journey and hope to get to know through it as well.
Be blessed and bless others!
Steve & Kathy
Enjoy Today to Infinity