An unfortunate event happened at the nest today. On 428, egg #1 hatched, Angel & Tom had their first Eyas together. This morning after Angel left, Tom came in and for some reason killed their chick. Being a new Dad, not understanding that #1 was his offspring and Angel leaving before introducing the new chick to him... maybe all played a part.
Note: Viewer Discretion starts at 2:01 video time. When Tom returned to the nest his demeanor did change as if he now understood and accepted the chick. The good news is... egg #2 pipped (429) and has hatched today (430). Hopefully Tom will realize this new chick is his offspring, that his job is to provide and Angel will be a little more cautious.
Nature has its own set of rules & laws... All we can do is watch and learn through observation. Learning is accepting the bad events along with the good. We learn to move on... just like Angel & Tom will.
To view the nest live and for more information visit Window To Wildlife at
• Angel the Leucistic Red Tailed Hawk |...