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Learn C64 Assembly Language using the Fast Assembler type-in program from COMPUTE!'s GAZETTE 1986

My Developer Thoughts

GitHub link to everything in this video:

Guide to the sections:
0:00 Introduction
1:50 Tools needed to type it in
3:21 Typing it in
4:31 Typing it in part 2
6:15 Introducing Fast Assembler
6:55 First Code
8:15 Writing the assembler logic
10:00 Running First Code
11:03 Amending the assembler logic
13:05 Formatting our code
14:20 Learning with the Monitor
20:00 Exiting the monitor / return to code
21:24 All about Subroutines and the stack
28:44 Moving subroutines to an include file
31:11 Subroutine to Print Text
34:00 Status Flags / Zero flag explored
37:08 Passing pointers to subroutines through zero page
44:18 Creating a PRG file
45:36 Final Thoughts

posted by movilobm