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Ketogenic diet for skinny people

DrPatrickKrupka Dr. Krupka explains why and how someone can safely do a ketogenic diet when weight loss is not the main goal. Many times cancer patients need to be in ketosis, or use a ketogenic (keto) diet, but must maintain their weight instead of experiencing weight loss. How can this be done safely and effectively? knowing your ideal body weight, basal metabolic rate, and daily calorie need are important to manage this process properly. Functional medicine doctors manage this all the time!
Dr. Krupka runs a Functional Medicine practice focusing on appropriate functional medicine testing, functional nutrition, and lifestyle changes. He works with patients who have hormone, autoimmune, cancer, weight gain or weight loss issues, inflammatory conditions, and digestive issues. He is also an advocate of a paleo diet and an ancestral lifestyle.

posted by kcorcknup89cw