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Katniss was diagnosed with Inflammatory Bowel Disease! Her story + what all cat owners need to know

Meowmy & Me

In Feb/March 2023, my cat Katniss got extremely sick. After eight vet visits and a slew of tests, she received a tentative diagnosis of Irritable Bowel Disease or IBD. Her diagnosis was tentative because, while the ultrasound showed definite thickening of Katniss's intestinal track, it's impossible to tell for sure if IBD or smallcelled lymphoma is the cause without doing a surgical biopsy. This is a step we haven't taken yet, due to the highly invasive nature of the procedure, Katniss's history of poor reaction to anesthesia and high cost. As well, our vet advised that a surgical biopsy probably isn't necessary at this stage because, regardless of the answer, both conditions are treated the same. She also told us that while smallcelled lymphoma sounds scary, it's generally nonaggressive. In fact, cats with smallcelled lymphoma can live many years!

While IBD/Lymphoma is a fairly common diagnosis in cats, navigating this world is brandnew to us! This video tells the story of Katniss's illness and diagnosis, as well as shares seven tips for things that have helped us get through this struggle successfully.

If your cat has IBD/lymphoma, I hope our story brings comfort. This is a totally manageable condition!

00:00 Introduction
00:39 Katniss's story
16:38 Helpful tips
16:47 Semimodification of diet
17:23 Taking a daily probiotic
18:23 Get a water fountain!
20:28 Rearrange your room
21:06 Two MUSTS to keep on hand
21:52 Learn all you can
22:44 Accept trial and error
24:24 Cost of everything, thoughts on pet insurance

#cats #catowners #cathealth

Connect with Katniss on Instagram:   / misskatniss_siamese  

One of the most helpful videos I've seen on IBD/Lymphoma
   • Signs your cat may have IBD/Lymphoma  

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posted by zorgkas06