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KAREN tries to STEAL TV after this...


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In this video we show you karen complications which include karens get owned, karens in the wild, karen videos, entitled karen, karen getting owned by police, karen arrested by police

TOP 10 BEST Entitled & Angry Karen's Who Got OWNED! #3 Public Freakout Videos
   • TOP 10 BEST Entitled & Angry Karen's ...  
TOP 25 BEST Entitled & Angry Karen's Who Got OWNED! #19 Sneaky Trends
   • TOP 25 BEST Entitled & Angry Karen's ...  
TOP 10 BEST Entitled Karen's Who Got OWNED! #14 Retail Nightmares
   • Video  
Karen Debate Gets HEATED Over WHAT indisputable with Dr. Rashad Richey
   • Karen Debate Gets HEATED Over WHAT  
Karen DESTROYS Loud Lamborghini... Karma
   • Karen throws rock at a lamborghini...  
Racist Karen Gets INSTANT KARMA after this.. Illusive
   • Racist Karen Gets INSTANT KARMA after...  
Karen Attacks Neighbor after this.. Illusive
   • Karen Gets Punched After this...  
When A Karen Goes To Prison.. Illusive
   • When A Karen Goes To Prison..  

posted by 6Y5o8