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KANAB UTAH || grand canyon monument valley animal sanctuary + more

Aditi Choudary

This is the second video in this winter break road trip series, there will be one more.

watch in 1080p!

Instagram: @_alladiti
Tiktok: @alladiti
Pinterest: @alladiti
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/bsb8frf...

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sub count: 116
Hi! My name is Aditi and this is my channel. I try to post every week (Saturdays @ 7am) and my videos range from vlogs, recipes, DIYs, and many more. I share this channel with my dog so a lot of my videos are ones of him growing up. Thank you for checking me out and subscribe for more.
#vacation #trip #roadtrip #family #friends #vlog #cooking #kidscooking #grandcanyon #cactus #monumentvalley #drive #tour #pictures #navajonation #animals #sanctuary #animalsanctuary #kitten #bunny #horses #singing #fun #happy #winterbreak #snow #winter #hiking #vlog

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