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Joker 3 Teaser Trailer | Joaquin Phoenix u0026 Lady Gaga Return


#JokerMovie #Joker3 #FolieADeux #JoaquinPhoenix #LadyGaga #ToddPhillips #JokerReturns #WarnerBros #IMAX #DCComics #JokerTrailer"

Joker and Lady Gagy return in the unofficial alternative trailer for Joker 3. It's just my imagination, but I'd like to know what you think. :)

Get ready to experience the chaos and artistry as Arthur's dual identity takes center stage in this fan made take on the iconic character.

If you're excited for Joker's return, make sure to LIKE this video!
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Channel link:    / @cineremixy1d  

posted by aznstar15ro