Famous Fluffy & Jiggly #Japanese Souffle #Pancake Attempted! See all the fails and work that goes into making this difficult recipe! ALSO: Funny Corgi Wagon, Fry's Electronics, Stuck in Upside Down, Ramen Taste Test, and More!
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Japanese Souffle Pancake Recipe (with a few modifications): http://www.princessbamboo.com/howto...
Corgi Riding with Sunglasses in Wagon
New Month (May) Heartworm and Flea & Tick Medication (Heart Guard and Nexguard)
Fan Art
Gym Chest Workout in Strong Lift Wear
Frys Electronics Haul
Stuck in the Upside down (Corgi Swimming)
Meeting with Gatsby's best friend Jack Frenchie at Google
Hironori Craft Ramen & Chicken Bowl
Sunset in the Office: Mother's Day Gift Guide & Fan Shoutouts
Doing Laundry
Good Night!