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James May broke the Cybertruck! | Day 6

James May’s Planet Gin

It's the last day of my California road trip today. We're flying home tonight, but there's just enough time to road test the Cybertruck, see how useful it is for gin transport, and finally reveal the name of my new gin.

Buy my new gin:

Day 1:    • We sent James May to California | Day 1  
Day 2:    • James May's California road trip | Day 2  
Day 3:    • James May's California road trip | Day 3  
Day 4:    • James May's California road trip | Day 4  
Day 5:    • James May's California road trip | Day 5  

Follow me on Insta:   / jamesmaygin  

Music licensed from Lickd. The biggest mainstream and stock music platform for content creators.
California Dreamin' by The Sunshine Orchestra, License ID: EPOyeyqxOdo
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