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is Russia a good country for medicine: how much doctors are paid in russia in 2021

Mee Pro

Medicine in Russia is good for the patient and bad for the doctor, this is because getting treatment in Russia is extremely cheap while doctors get paid less than in most European countries.

In this video we are going to cover

Cost of medical treatment in Russia public health care
Cost of medical treatment in Russia public health care
And how much doctors get paid in Russia.

how much doctors are paid in russia in 2021

Russia although no longer a socialist state still reflects some elements from the soviet era and one of it being their health care system.
Costs of healthcare in Russia
Russia spent 5.27% of its annual GDP on healthcare in 2016. However, this is below the current global average of around 10%. It is also lower than all EU countries except Romania.
Employers finance OMI through contributions. Once you begin working in Russia, your employer will pay around 2–3% of your salary into a social tax, a percentage of which is paid into a national Russian healthcare fund. Once an employer pays this compulsory medical insurance, you have the right to free medical assistance from public Russian healthcare clinics.
Those who cannot contribute to OMI due to not working (e.g., unemployed, pensioners, children, those too ill to work) can still access free basic healthcare.

Private healthcare in Russia
The private healthcare sector in Russia has grown over the past couple of decades, especially in the bigger cities such as Moscow and St Petersburg. To access private treatment, you will need to take out a private health insurance plan.
There are many private insurers operating in Russia that will cover treatments such as dental care, specialist care, and mental health treatments. You will usually need to pay fees upfront and claim reimbursement.
Only around 5% of Russians use private healthcare but many more expat residents take out private health coverage. Private treatment is available without insurance but you will have to cover full costs yourself. A rough guide of general costs is:
• $2550 for a consultation with a private GP or specialist;
• between $150700 for private treatment
• up to $50 for a dental checkup;
• between $50100 for an overnight stay in a private hospital

how much doctors get paid
Salary of medical professionals in the public sector in Russia 2020, by level
Published by Statista Research Department, Apr 21, 2021
On average, doctors in Russia earned approximately 92 thousand Russian rubles per month in 2020. In Moscow, the figure was significantly higher,
measuring at roughly 161 thousand Russian rubles. The midlevel medical staff across the country received nearly 47 thousand Russian rubles per month, which was below the average salary in Russia.
Doctors in private practice make significantly more, although we do not have the data.
Some doctors make up to 200 thousand rubbles. Which is about
Would you like to practice medicine in Russia? If so

posted by L87QEkq