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Installation Best Practices: Drains and Drain Lines

HVAC School

Join Bryan Orr as he continues his training series at Polar Bear Air Conditioning, focusing on one of the most critical yet often misunderstood aspects of HVAC installation: condensate drains and drain lines. In this detailed presentation, Bryan covers essential best practices including:

Proper trap installation and common doubletrapping mistakes
The importance of venting and when it's needed
Correct pitch requirements (1/4" per foot)
Float switch installation and troubleshooting tips
Best practices for drain cleaning and maintenance
Special considerations for positive pressure coils
Multiple unit drainage configurations
Proper insulation practices for horizontal runs

Bryan shares realworld examples, common pitfalls to avoid, and practical solutions gathered from years of field experience. Whether you're an apprentice or seasoned tech, this training session provides valuable insights to prevent callbacks and protect customer properties from water damage.

#HVAC #HVACTraining #HVACSchool #HVACTech #Condensate #DrainLines #BestPractices #hvaceducation

You can find more on Polar Bear Air Conditioning at their Youtube channel:    / @polarbearky  

Buy your tickets or learn more about the 6th Annual HVACR Training Symposium at https://hvacrschool.com/symposium.

Read all the tech tips, take the quizzes, and find our handy calculators at https://www.hvacrschool.com/ or the HVAC School Mobile App on the Google Play Store (https://hvacrschool.com/playstore) or App Store (https://hvacrschool.com/appstore).

posted by esesowski32