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I Tested 150 ILLEGAL Amazon Products!

Brent Rivera

We try some of the MOST dangerous Amazon products and it gets crazy!!
Like this video for AirPods MAX'S!

Follow the Gang!!
Amp World ​ ‪@AmpWorld.‬ ‪@AmpWorldReacts‬
Ben Azelart ‪@BenAzelart‬
Lexi Rivera ‪@AlexaRivera‬
Dom Brack ‪‪@DominicBrack‬
Drew ‪@DrewBeilfuss‬
Ashten ‪‪@ashtenrea‬
Ashton ‪‪@ashtonhero‬
Andrew Davila ‪@andrewdavila6696‬
Liv: ‪‪@livswearingen‬
Pierson: ‪@pierson‬ ‬
Bryan: ‪‪@bryanjohnston7‬

hang out with me on social media:
SnapChat, Add me: TheBrentRivera
Instagram: @BrentRivera
Twitter: @BrentRivera
Facebook: @BrentRivera
TikTok: @brentrivera

posted by jackylcflr