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I Helped Save a Cat (read desc.)


Two years ago I met Jean Louis and his owner Richard. Richard is an elderly man who is an absolute legend and sweetheart. He's a retired highschool English teacher and as of today, he is 84 years old. Richard had a fall on the way to visit his wife in the hospital before the first recording you see in this video. It was Thanksgiving weekend when he was taken to the hospital for about three months for that fall, and his wife unfortunately passed away during his stay there. Jean Louis was left alone in all that time except for our community center management feeding him occasionally. I was allowed to head over and check in on Louis, and I ended up taking over the feeding duties as well as keeping him company.

Louis was incredibly matted and hadn't been groomed in almost a year. He was afraid and alone, and all I could do for the first few months of Richard being away was give him some company. When Richard came home the first time, my mother and I had gotten permission to take him for a groom. He was then returned to Richard for a few months before he had another hospital stay, which led to him eventually moving into an assisted living facility. Jean Louis was originally set to go with him, but Richard confessed with a heavy heart that he was not sure he could care for his cat anymore.

Since then, Jean Louis has stayed with me. I visit Richard when possible to update him on little Louis, and he is very grateful to my family for caring for him. Richard is still in a care home, and he is doing well mentally, though he can't get around very well without help or a wheelchair. Jean Louis is much more comfortable in our home now than he was only a few months ago, and he frequently naps in my bed and chases his own tail. He and Donny share food and play together sometimes, but Louis still vocalizes his general annoyance at having Donny near him. They don't fight at all, which is very good.

I implore you to wish Richard well and to remember that everyone deserves a little kindness and love. Look out for your neighbors and friends.


posted by abaqhubec2