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I Bought My Dog 9000 Solo Cups for his 9th Birthday


Koda's always been a little weird, but one of his most interesting quirks is his love for solo cups. He absolutely loves the crinkle, so to celebrate his 9th birthday, we ordered 9,000 of them and covered our entire house!
Super Cooper Sunday Playlist:    • Super Cooper Sunday  
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While this video was a ton of fun to record and we loved making Koda's day, single use plastics (like these solo cups) are extremely harmful to the environment and it's best to eliminate their use from our lives as much as possible.

We will be donating significant portion of this video's ad revenue to to help offset the waste created during filming. Team Seas removes 1lb of trash from the ocean for every $1 donated. Thanks to you (the viewer), the net impact of this video can be a positive one.

Please remember to be mindful and help reduce, reuse and recycle where you can! Thank you!

Cooper/Koda have social media:
● YouTube:    / supercooper  
● Instagram:   / supercoopersundays  
● Twitter:   / supercoopersun  
● Facebook:   / supercoopersundays  

If you want to send anything that could be in the video (letters, artwork, toys, etc), send it here:
P.O. Box 568677
Orlando, FL 328568677

You can send it to: TmarTn, Trevor Martin, Chelsea Kreiner, Cooper Martin, or Koda Kreiner!

00:00 Intro
00:46 Koda's Favorite Toy Ever
02:39 Round 1 (50 Cups)
03:50 Round 2 (250 Cups)
06:42 Setting Up 9,000 Cups
09:13 Koda's Reaction
09:57 Cooper's Reaction
11:17 Environmental Plan
11:50 Outro


posted by Amapanil3