We have got to do something to stop this madness, and I cannot do it alone! But I AM TAKING A STAND! I hope you too will JOIN ME.
Thank you @midwayfarms for taking a stand with me. We hope others will do the same!
A message from @deepriverfarm3615
There’s tremendous needs. We are supplying much needed heaters and propane throughout western Nc. If you need a heater or propane contact Bethel Wesleyan Church in Flat Rock.
Pastor Tim Clark
Bethel Wesleyan Church
901 Tracy Grove Rd
Flat Rock NC 28731
(828) 4891714
We have listed other ways you can help donate or volunteer your time to these families and affected areas in the description of the following video ~
• **URGENT MESSAGE** Please Watch & Share
Please follow @deepriverfarm3615 @CelebratingAppalachia @thepressleygirls @theappalachianchannel @appalachiashomesteadwithpatara for updates on what is needed to help these families. Thank you to everyone that has and continues to donate, volunteer and pray!
#helene #northcarolina @CelebratingFarmLife