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How We Help Reactive Dogs Gain Confidence | Group Training Session

Stonnie Dennis

Today Uncle Stonnie is teaching a class on how we help reactive dogs gain confidence by putting their leashes in lots of hands. First we work with Boone, a mid adolescent Wirehaired Pointing Griffon and then we tackle Country, an adult Black Labrador Retriever.

00:00 Introduction
00:41 Wirehaired Pointing Griffon working with an adult female handler
04:08 Wirehaired Pointing Griffon working with six year old boy
09:08 Labrador Retriever working with twelve year old girl
14:45 Labrador Retriever working with 10 year old girl
17:33 Labrador Retriever working with adult female handler
20:20 Labrador Retriever working with adult male handler
28:11 Labrador Retriever working with adult female handler
31:09 Conclusion

We hope you guys enjoy!

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#dogreactivity #wirehairedpointinggriffon #labradorretriever

posted by reginabbygirl5z