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How to stop my cat overgrooming

Naturally Cats - Help for anxious cats & humans

Does your cat have a bald patch?
Do you see your cat lick themselves raw?
Overgrooming is one of the most common problem behaviours in cats.

If you've got a cat that is demonstrating this behaviour take a look at this FREE webinar replay.

In this webinar we cover:

Why do cats groom
What is overgrooming
How to distinguish between cleaning and overgrooming
Conventional and complementary treatment options
How to support your cat to enable them to heal

If you need more help take a look at my 3 module masterclass: https://naturallycats.co.uk/shop/over...

And you can see y overgrooming blog here: https://naturallycats.co.uk/whyismy...

If you believe your anxiety is impacting your cat and you need support to make a change head to my website to look at my Become a soul led cat guardian programme:


I work with empaths who are cat guardians, those that are spiritually curious and open to learning about energy. Particularly people who have anxiety about their cat or their cat is displaying anxious behaviours.

I support guardians in dealing with the root cause of the anxiety, enabling them to know what their cat(s) need to be happy and thrive. This stops the guardian getting lost in their head, with anxious thoughts on repeat and can reduce the behaviour concern in the cat.

Through my Become a soul led cat guardian programme I guide anxious cat guardians to know how to regularly drop out of their head and to stop using a logical approach to helping their cat, to knowing how to come into their heart space, reconnecting with their intuition. This means they not only deepen the connection and relationship with their cat, but they can also receive the guidance, wisdom and soul essence of their feline friend. Thus giving them the knowledge and guidance they need to have a happy, healthy and thriving cat.

You can also join me for more cat content here:

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YouTube video:    • How to stop my cat overgrooming  

posted by dialwyr6e