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How to Reboot Your Core When You Have Back Pain | Tim Keeley | Physio REHAB

Physio REHAB

If you watched my previous video on restoring lumbar flexion, here is the 'part 2' for getting the core switched back on again if you are having back pain.
Here are 4 progressive core activation and light strengthening exercises to help your back stop going into spasm and pain, and give you a road back to normal back and core strengthening and general fitness. I also give you some easier and harder options depending on your situation.

1. Knee Floats
2. Bird Dogs
3. Planks on Knees
4. Side Planks on Knees

Make sure you check out Part 1 for the mobility exercises to help you with restoring lumbar spine flexion and reducing muscle spasm and tightness.

Physio Fitness | Physio Rehab

posted by guanare9e