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How to prevent u0026 reverse dementia: Psychiatrist Kat Toups M.D. | mbg Podcast

the mindbodygreen podcast

Welcome to the mindbodygreen podcast! Each week, host Jason Wachob, founder and coCEO of mindbodygreen, engages in open, honest conversations with the people shaping the world of wellbeing. Today’s featured guest is Kat Toups, M.D., a functional medicine psychiatrist.
“Retirement is actually considered a risk factor for dementia," she says. In this episode, Kat and Jason discuss daily tips to prevent cognitive decline, plus:

0:000:15 Intro
0:155:43 Kat’s personal brain health journey
5:438:37 Why dementia is not a death sentence
8:3714:03 Reasons why dementia happens
14:0320:03 The link between oral health & Alzheimer’s
20:0325:23 The optimal diet to prevent cognitive decline
25:2327:11 Why the medical community has resisted lifestyle interventions
27:1134:27 How to meditate & exercise to prevent dementia
34:2737:22 How the amyloid hypothesis leads us astray
37:2238:34 How dancing can reduce cognitive decline
38:3439:44 How to train your brain & stay sharp as you age
39:4443:47 Kat’s top daily tips to prevent cognitive decline
43:4749:07 The link between hearing loss & dementia
49:0751:48 How hormone therapy can enhance your brain health
51:4857:12 How to detox your brain from heavy metals
57:1258:31 How to test your toxins

We hope you enjoy this episode! Whether it's an article or podcast, we want to know what we can do to help here at mindbodygreen. Let us know at: [email protected].

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mindbodygreen. One word. Here you’ll find a 360degree approach to wellness that weaves the mental, physical, spiritual, emotional, and environmental aspects of wellbeing together, because we believe that these pillars of health are all interconnected.

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posted by Laharnardt