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How to play more impressive fills on the drums

Stephen Clark

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If your fills are boring, repetitive, and uninteresting, and creating rhythms & syncopation within them is tough, then today’s lesson is for you.

Hey I’ve been there! When I was a beginner in high school, I was always afraid of crashing and burning and trainwrecking the band if I tried to play anything interesting…

…Until I found a really fun “cheat” that allows you to really hack the process of creating much more impressive, musical fills!

Today I’m teaching you “The Skeleton Rhythm Cheat”, a very simple and highly achievable fillcreation method that will work for you even if you’re a total beginner. YOU CAN DO THIS.

Go further with this with these recent lessons:

“The DRUM SOLO formula for beginners”
   • The DRUM SOLO formula for beginners  

“The TOM FILL formula for ‘Uncreative’ drummers”
   • The TOM FILL formula for “Uncreative”...  

“The single best thing to make your fills more interesting”
   • The single best thing to make your fi...  

I believe that ANYONE can learn the drums, and I believe you’re far more capable of becoming a great drummer than you think you are. Don’t sell yourself short! SUBSCRIBE for more Non Glamorous videos that get straight to the point of solving drumming frustration. Stay Non Glamorous, Everyone!

Check out for more content, including free eguides designed to fasttrack your drumming progress!

posted by perumagiah1