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How To Make Pink Bunny House with Bunk Bed Rainbow Stairs from Polymer Clay ❤️ DIY Miniature House

HP Mini House

How To Make Pink Bunny House with Bunk Bed, Rainbow Stairs from Polymer Clay ❤ DIY Miniature House.

Hello World, I'm DIY Lover and Miniature Lover, my name is Mimi
! I'm an ARTIST who makes MINIATURE HOUSE !
Are you as passionate about Hello Kitty as I am? Today, I will make a 2story house with full furniture, Hello Kitty theme, including bedroom, kitchen, living room, and a rainbow staircase. The most special feature of the house is the Automatic Water to Swimming Pool Car, hope you will enjoy it ^^ Behind the content of the video, I send you 2 more house models. One has makeup set, rainbow slide pool. One has aquarium fish tank train run around mermaid clay house. Do you like this Hello Kitty miniature house? Please let me know! Thank you❤
Timestamps below to get to part that interest you :
0:00 | Intro
00:25 | How To Make Pink Bunny House with Bunk Bed, Rainbow Stairs from Polymer Clay ❤ DIY Miniature House
12:35 | Relax with my Pink Bunny House Rainbow Stairs.

Title :
( English ) How To Make Pink Bunny House with Bunk Bed, Rainbow Stairs from Polymer Clay ❤ DIY Miniature House
( Español ) Cómo hacer una casa de conejito rosa con litera y escaleras de arcoíris con arcilla polimérica ❤ Casa en miniatura de bricolaje
( Português ) Como fazer uma casinha de coelhinho rosa com beliche e escadas de arcoíris de argila de polímero ❤ Casa em miniatura DIY
( 日本人 ) ポリマークレイで二段ベッドと虹の階段が付いたピンクのバニーハウスの作り方❤ DIY ミニチュアハウス
( 한국어 ) 폴리머 클레이로 이층 침대와 무지개 계단이 있는 핑크색 토끼 집을 만드는 방법 ❤ DIY 미니어처 하우스
( Hindi ) पॉलिमर क्ले से बंक बेड, इंद्रधनुषी सीढ़ियों के साथ गुलाबी बनी घर कैसे बनाएं ❤ DIY लघु घर

Enjoy my video and Please comment below if you like it. I hope you will like my miniature house video and have relaxing time !!! Thank you for watching! Love you
PS: Don't be shy to LIKE and SHARE my video with your friends. And if you love my video, SUBSCRIBE me now :    / @hpminihouse  
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posted by yasabwenr