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How To Maintain A Nano Reef Aquarium

Jays Real Reef UK

Join us on a journey to discover how hard it is to maintain a nano reef tank. We will document the ups and downs to try to prove how difficult it is to keep a living coral reef. Never had a fish tank before and starting with a Red Sea Max Nano. Wish us luck. Subscribe and follow.

A sponsorship free reefing channel.

Red Sea Max Nano Aquariums Series:

Maidenhead Aquatics

Friday Night Livestream with Fishpalace, Mogsys Aquarium and TB Corals (Join us for come reefing chat and a beer) This Friday at 8pm Fishpalace YouTube Channel for the 3 Year Anniversary.

   / @fishpalace  

   / @mogsysaquarium  

   / @tbcoralsreeftank  

posted by shiro322bo